The regular practice of physical exercises leads to acceleration of metabolism and improved blood circulation, which prevents the accumulation of fat and the formation of cellulite. The ideal is to combine bodybuilding and aerobic activities in workouts held three times a week.
The appearance of cellulite is caused by the tendency of the female hormone to store energy in the form of fat in the legs and glutes. This localized fat causes an increase in the volume of the skin towards the surface while the fibers that bind the skin to the muscle strain part of the tissue, which causes an unsightly appearance formed by small depressions. The problem is less common in men as a function of the male hormone to deposit the reserve fat in the abdomen, besides presenting a different arrangement of the fibers, which are aligned obliquely, which leads to tissue expansion towards the muscle and not to the skin tissue.
The action of the female hormone is a biological process of difficult reversal, but it is possible to prevent the accumulation of fat in the buttocks and legs while keeping the body active. Regular physical exercises accelerate the metabolism; make fat accumulation difficult and the appearance of cellulite. Like every machine, our body suffers wear and tear over the years and needs to be stimulated to maintain its vitality. The sooner we get used to the practice of physical exercises, the better the body is accustomed to moving before the age of majority. Over time we are physically and psychologically dependent on the endorphin produced during exercise and addicted to physical activity.
The workouts can be inserted gradually into your routine. You can start by using the stairs to climb one or go down two floors, leave the car aside to go to the bakery that is on the corner of the house or get off a bus stop before your destination. These are small modifications that can be done with ease. Gradually you can start thinking about doing moderate or high intensity walks lasting twenty minutes twice a week. That should be enough to make your whole routine more joyful. In less time than you realize you will be in a gym.
Here’s how feeding can also help prevent and stop the progress of cellulite.